
SolfeGuido's rewrite

After the 1.4 release, I’m quite happy with the state of SolfeGuido. Of course, a lot of features I want to implement are missing. I still want to add a lot of other gamemodes, if possible also add new translations, new options and so on … However, I encountered several limitations of love2d (the current game engine used for SolfeGuido) :

  • The package size for a basic hello world is more than 3 MBytes. For game as small as SolfeGuido, that’s twice the size of the assets !
  • Love2D/Lua is not really good at detecting the phone’s locale. One could ask the user, but I’d rather have it selected by default, and let the user change it later on
  • There is no HTTPS module in Löve2d, it seems like it’s going to be added in a future version, but other game engine already have this feature
  • Because it’s based on a scripting language (which is also a strength) it’s quite easy to make a mistake and only realize this way later (or even too late), a compiled (or even transpiled) language could help reduce the risk of error
  • When the game crashes, a lovely screen can be shown on android, but this does not report anything to the play store, and it’s then quite impossible to know if any crashes happened
  • Also, (but this is more my fault), the widget system is not very well coded, and could use a complete rewrite.

So I’m now pausing the development of SolfeGuido, while searching for a new game engine that meet all the required criterias !

Onward to SolfeGuido 2.0 !!